Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine, Oxfordshire
An insight into the origin of disease/imbalance on an emotional, physical and mental level, while restoring balance and influencing changes in the body and mind
Chinese Herbal Medicine (the combination of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine) - is a powerful and ancient medical system which not only provides clear insight into the origin of disease/imbalance on an emotional, physical and mental level, but also provides effective ways to restore balance.
The Traditional Chinese medical system is based on the vital “energy” or qi which permeates the universe. This energy is non tangible, but can be felt. The body and mind are part of this energetic system that is always in a state of flux, rebalancing itself to maintain harmony and health. However, when the body or mind is overpowered by strong external or internal forces then its self harmonising mechanism can weaken or break down, and manifests in our bodies as pain or disease or emotional stresses.
Traditional Chinese medicine attempts to restore balance to the body and mind by diagnosing the pattern of disharmony in the qi. It uses acupuncture, herbs, diet and lifestyle changes to restore balance and health.
The method of acupuncture uses fine stainless steel single use sterile needles. Most people find the sensation to be reasonably comfortable and can sometimes instantly feel calmer or energised. The needles are inserted gently into points along a merdian or energy pathway which has access to internal organs to influence changes in the body and mind.
Monika Becker
BSYA (Cur Hyp) (Kin)
Born in Munich, Germany, Monika moved to England in 2002. Monika's german professional qualification is as a 'heilpraktikerin' - a highly respected form of natural 'holistic practitioner' whose training involved three years of medical study combined with in depth study in various alternative therapies. Monika practices the 'antique' method of acupuncture which is a very gentle yet powerful form of acupuncture.
As well as being an experience acupuncturist, Monika is qualified in massage, Reiki, DORN therapy (a gentle form of chiropractic), past life therapy, life coaching, Psych Kinesiology, Biochemical Medicine (Schuessler), fertility treatment, help with fears and phobias, pelvic misalignment and food intolerance testing.
Your initial session will start with a detailed consultation to decide which of Monika's many skills will be best to help you on your path to health and well-being. Please feel free to call or come into the Lotus Retreat for a chat.
For bookings, please contact contact@monikabecker.co.uk or by phone on 07742 982757.
Treatment Price: £57.00 (1 hr)