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2 London Street
Faringdon, England, SN7 7AA
United Kingdom

07940 542181

The Lotus Retreat is a beautiful holistic sanctuary in the heart of the Oxfordshire countryside.


Counselling & Psychotherapy

Counselling and psychotherapy provides a safe and confidential space for you to explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviours so you can develop a better understanding of yourself and others

Counselling and Psychotherapy

Counselling and psychotherapy sessions provide a safe and confidential space for you to explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviours so you can develop a better understanding of yourself and others. It can help you to:

Discover and find ways of coping with painful life experiences

Make sense of changes, confusing circumstances and challenging relationships

Gain clarity of who you are and the choices that you have made

Perhaps you are struggling with one of the issues below? Then Counselling and psychotherapy could help:

  • abuse

  • anxiety/depression

  • identity issues

  • relationships

  • loss

  • self esteem

  • sexuality

  • spirituality

  • stress

  • trauma/abuse

However, some difficulties cannot be named or easily identified. It might just be a general feeling that ‘something is not right’ or ‘not as it should be.’ Counselling or psychotherapy could help you find clarity and better understanding of these sometimes overwhelming feelings. If you are interested then please read on to find out more about counselling services at the Lotus Retreat.

And remember that contacting someone for counselling or psychotherapy can be a challenge in itself. So whatever you do next please know that by just visiting this page, you have come closer to taking that first difficult step.


Benn Kiley

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My name is Benn Kiley and I have been in private therapeutic practice for over 15 years.

I am a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and as a qualified and registered counsellor, I can put these letters after my name: MBACP BA (Hons).

I also hold a clear and regularly checked Enhanced Disclosure and Barring (DBS) check.

Though my approach to counselling is integrative, I am person-centred trained. This means accepting and valuing you as an individual. Only you know what it is like to be you.

My background in philosophy also brings an existential aspect to my work. Life at times can feel confusing and complicated. Fundamental fears such as loneliness and meaninglessness can cause us to behave in ways or do things that we are not fully happy with. This approach seeks to identify these fears and explore ways of overcoming them.

In addition to counselling, I spend time outside the therapy room managing support services for socially excluded and vulnerable people across the southeast England.

Some practical information:

Finding the right therapist for yourself is very important. In support of this, I offer a free introductory session. This usually lasts for half hour. This gives you the space to explore your reasons for wanting counselling and to decide if I am the right person for you.

On-going sessions last for 50 minutes each and the cost is £60.00.

How many sessions you have and the regularity depends on your individual circumstances.

So what should I do next?

To arrange a free introductory session please contact me on:

Mobile: +44 7956 147289


For further information please visit Oxfordshire Counselling and Psychology Practice Ltd at

Treatment Price: £60.00 (50 min)

Eleanor Morris

Hi, I’m Eleanor, I take an integrative approach to counselling, meaning I focus on working together using different techniques to find a way that works for you.  

 Some of the topics I can help with include anxiety, low mood, and depression as well as LGBTQIA identity, disordered eating, and suicidal ideation.  

 I work with clients aged 11 upwards and practice in 50 minute sessions at the Lotus Retreat in Faringdon. Find out more or get in touch at 

Why come to counselling?

Counselling supports you to work through your emotions, thoughts and reactions in times of challenge or change, or when past or present experiences may cause difficulties or confusion. You can find new meanings and perspectives, and so be empowered to find new responses. I provide a therapeutic relationship to ensure you feel seen, accepted and valued, where you come to know and prize your ‘self’, and develop personal and emotional growth. You are your own expert and therefore lead the pace and focus of the work.

I offer a free phone chat followed by a 20/30 minute assessment session (£20.00) to explore your goals and how we might work together. Our sessions will be weekly and last 50 minutes. We will agree the number of sessions together and review this and your goals regularly.

Qualifications: diploma in Therapeutic Counselling / BACP registered


To arrange a free initial call please contact me:


Treatment Price

20/30 minute assessment session ; £20.

£60 standard rate (50 min) session.

Rachel McDonald

About Me

I offer psychotherapy to individuals, working gently and compassionately with a wide range of issues, including trauma, abuse, anxiety, self-harm, dissociation, OCD, the impact of mental and physical health problems, and struggling to find meaning in life. Therapy is also a wonderful opportunity to explore ourselves, resulting in a better quality of life and more affirming connections of all kinds.

I have a particular interest in working with sex and also offer psychosexual therapy (also known as sex therapy) to individuals, couples and polycules, working with all kinds of sexual issues, including difficulties with sex related to trauma or dysphoria, discrepancy of desire or other sexual issues within relationships, erectile problems, premature ejaculation, pelvic pain, vaginismus, orgasm problems, and low desire.

I welcome people of all gender identities, sexual practices and orientations, and relationship structures, and I am kink-knowledgeable. I am experienced in working with people from a wide range of backgrounds, cultures and life experiences, and I celebrate difference and diversity.

I work with my clients to build trust and create a space which feels safe enough to explore whatever you need to bring to our sessions.

My practice is relational, psychodynamic, and trauma-informed. This means that I believe in the value of paying attention to what might be going on ‘under the surface’ in ourselves, in our relationships, and in social groups, as well as to our conscious thought processes and choices.

I use a biopsychosocial model for psychosexual therapy, alongside a psychodynamic approach, which means we will think about your issues holistically to find the best treatment for you. Sex therapy also incorporates cognitive and behavioural approaches where appropriate.

I have a Postgraduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Practice and am currently working towards a Diploma in Psychosexual Therapy. I also have many years’ experience of community building and activism in queer and kink spaces, and work with survivors of sexual violence.

I am accredited by the National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society (NCPS) and I am a member of the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT). I am registered with the National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society.

Therapy with me:

I offer weekly face-to-face sessions at the Lotus Retreat, usually on an open-ended basis.

If you would like to explore working with me, please contact me to arrange a free 15-minute phone call. During this call I will ask what brings you to therapy at this time, and you will have the opportunity to ask me questions.

Individuals: £70 per 50 min session

Couples & polycules (for psychosexual therapy) : £100 per 50 min session

I am registered with the National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society.


07955 839570

Vanessa Curran

I’m a qualified counsellor who is committed to creating a safe and supportive space for my clients as they seek to explore and improve their emotional well-being. 

I have a Diploma in Integrative Counselling from the Counselling & Psychotherapy Training Academy and am a registered member of The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).

My approach combines person-centred and psychodynamic practices, allowing us to tailor the sessions to your unique needs in the here and now, as well as to your past lived experience. By integrating insights from these different approaches, we can together uncover and understand your underlying patterns of behaviour, help you develop greater self-awareness and self-acceptance, and allow you to feel able to navigate your life with resilience.

In our sessions I foster a warm, non-judgemental environment, where together we can look into issues that may be causing you to feel stuck, confused, or unhappy. Whether you're facing specific life challenges, seeking some resolution of past events, or looking for an inner peace that has eluded you, I’m here to support you every step of the way as you embark on your healing journey.

I am a mum, a partner, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and a colleague. I know that life can be hard. I too have sought help from counselling and credit it with giving me the courage to live an open-hearted life, connected to the people around me, at peace with my experiences and with who I am.

Sessions are typically long-term or open-ended, but I also offer short-term work if appropriate. My clients are adults aged over 18 who come from all walks of life and who have a range of concerns or conditions.

Please visit my website 
for more information and to get in touch.