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2 London Street
Faringdon, England, SN7 7AA
United Kingdom

07940 542181

The Lotus Retreat is a beautiful holistic sanctuary in the heart of the Oxfordshire countryside.


Bespoke Journeys


Bespoke Journeys

Did you know that Lotus India Adventures offers a bespoke journeys service throughout India? This is perfect for those of you who would like to travel in smaller groups or may have unique ideas about your special trip to India. After a detailed consultation we will create an itinerary perfectly  suited to your interests and budget. Perhaps you want to include some Ayurveda and yoga, or enjoy elephant spotting in the jungles or Karnataka? we will find ways to make your trip perfect for you. All aspects of your journey will be carefully handled and organised throughout your time in India, from your transport and hotels, to guides, yoga classes and tiger safari’s. You will also have day by support from our team in India throughout your travels.

Whether you want a remote and wild adventure or a taste of royal luxury, we will design a life-changing journey unique to you. To find out more about our bespoke India Journeys and arrange your free consultation please email us at



It has been such a fantastic trip.

Thank you SO much for organising it.

We are digesting it all, so much we have seen and done… truly wonderful experience.

Tamara, Nicola and Honor (Bespoke journey through Rajasthan)




To book your space please contact
Carrie on 07940 542181


Undiscovered South India - 6th November - 19th November 2025

Hidden Rajasthan - 9th February - 22nd February 2026

Treasures of the South - 25th January - 6th February 2026

Sacred Heart - 6th November - 19th November 2026